Adult volunteers are at the heart of Scouting, and we hope that you will get every bit as much out of it as you put in. Scouting is not only about young people, but also about the development of adults within the Movement.
I gefnogi oedolion o fewn Sgowtio, mae’r Gymdeithas yn cynnig rhaglen gynhwysfawr o hyfforddiant i adeiladu ar sgiliau a gwybodaeth presennol a datblygu cymwyseddau newydd.
Mae rhai elfennau o hyfforddiant yn gallu cyfrif tuag at cymwysterau a gydnabyddir yn allanol, ac o fewn y mudiad mae yna gwobrau i adnabod ymroddiad a gwasanaeth rhagorol
The Area / District organise regular workshops covering different modules that can booked online – they are advertised here.
Our Local Training Manager is:
- Vacancy
Training Requirements
All adults in Scouting are required to do a minimum level of training to ensure they are equipped with the right tools for the role and keep our young people safe. Speak to your training advisor or the local training manager if you are unsure of what’s required.
Adventurous Activities
Adventurous Activities are at the heart of and essential to Scouting. In fact, 50% of every sections programme should be doing something adventurous. Adults interested in providing adventurous activities, can take part in the permit training scheme. Courses can be attended both in and outside the Area or at one of the National Scout Activity Centres
The District offers subsidies for training in adventurous activities. There are also funds available at the national level and from third party trusts:
Am fwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch â’r Gwirfoddolwr Arweiniol yr Ardal: