Anglesey is a District rich in Scouting history. From the first groups to appear in the 1900s to our recent relations with the Royals, there’s something here to pique everyone’s interest.

Legacy Scout Groups
Anglesey has played host to many Scout Groups over the years, some of which have sadly disbanded. Find out just how many Groups were on the island and where they were.

Meritorious Conduct
Many of the men who were Scouts or Leaders on the island fell in the First and Second World Wars, but some received awards for gallantry.

Our Scouting Timeline
View the full timeline of the island’s Scouting history, as far back as 1909, thanks to the Snowdonia and Anglesey Scout Archives.

Finding John Edwards
Thanks to funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund, 1st Menai Bridge Explorers were able to track down John Edwards, a Scout and a War hero. Read an Explorer’s account of the trip here.