Currently only available in English

Activity Details

For suggested MINIMUM adult/child ratios refer to POR. See POR 3.7h for Squirrels, POR 3.8h for Beavers, POR 3.9h for Cubs and POR 3.10h for Scouts. See

Minimum 7 days before
Please add the First Name, Last Name and Membership Number of each adult attending this activity. Add additional adult on a separate line.

Authorised Activity

Please provide here details of any specialist instructors. This could be, for example for climbing or sailing. If the instructor is being provided by someone else, then please provide details. Remember, the relevant Commissioner needs to be satisfied that the individual(s) leading the activity are authorised by the Scout Association to do so. You may prefer to put information in the ‘Brief Description of Planned Activity and any comments’ box below.

See for information on Scouting Activities

In Touch

In Touch arrangements must be in place for EVERY Scouting activity. Full information at In the panel below you should describe what In Touch arrangements have been put in place for this activity. Please include relevant telephone numbers.

Risk Assessment

The Scout Association Risk Assessment form can be found HERE should you need a blank copy

Tell us when, how, who to..
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Accepted file types: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, pdf, Max. file size: 2 MB.
Please supply a link to where the Risk Assessment is stored

Data Protection Terms

This form is used to collect information about you and your team for the purpose of approving this activity, this is to be used by your Lead Volunteer. As part of this form we collect personal data about you and your team, this detail is required so that we can check that everyone meets the membership and vetting requirements for the activity and that appropriate permit holders are in place if required. We do not share your personal data provided in this form with any third parties. We take your personal data privacy seriously. The data you provide to us is securely stored (based on local arrangements) and we will keep the data we capture from this form for 12 months after the event for any queries that arise then it will be securely destroyed.